Established content is listed below, and new titles are always under development. Or contact All Things Integrated® to request a new title or customize a training or message to your school or organization's needs.

*Titles with the CEU icon can earn participants Continuing Education Units for successful completion.
(High School)
(Elementary School)
*Philosophy of Christian Education
Length: 3-6 hours. CEU credit available.
n this one-day, live instruction, Jonathan Nazigian examines the essential tenets of a philosophy of Christian education. Participants will explore the Christian teacher’s beliefs and biblical responses regarding truth, worldview, and philosophy and how these beliefs are foundational to an authentic Christian school education. Don't let the term "philosophy" fool you...this is no stodgy lecture! Fun, engaging, and practical, Jonathan uses humor and practical wisdom to ensure that this interactive professional development training leaves participants inspired and equipped for the Kingdom work of the classroom!
Basics of Biblical Integration
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
A perfect starting point for new teachers, experienced teachers who are new to Christian Education, and as a dynamic refresher for experienced educators, this seminar lays the foundation for effective biblical worldview integration.
*Teaching Identity: A Biblical Look at a Current (and Ancient) Question
Length: 6 hours. CEU credit available.
Who am I really? And who are my students? Identity is more than gender politics and public bathrooms; these questions have far-ranging repercussions on the world we live in. This session will examine a Biblical understanding of how God has designed each person, and practical ways to train our students (at all ages) to not only live out their identity, but also how to articulate a Biblically-bold and Christ-like compassionate response to this hot-button cultural issue.
The Future of Christian Education
Length: 1 hour
What does the future hold for Christian schools, Homeschooling, and Christian educators who serve in the public school system? Examine current events and trends and see how the God who holds the future is ever-present in our ever-changing world.
*Biblical Discipline in Christian Schools
Length: 6 hours. CEU credit available. Shorter sessions also available.
Practical, biblical help in creating a culture of respect in your classroom and throughout your school. A fun and engaging seminar.
Ephesians for Educators
Length: 6 hours. CEU credit available.
An ancient city, a crossroad of cultures, and Christians struggling with the same issues we face today. As Christian educators preparing our students to live out their calling in our post-modern culture, Ephesians is a powerful and relevant study. This course will explore Paul’s letter, verse-by-verse, and make practical and timely connections for educators in God’s school system.
The Myth of Ministry: A Biblical View of Work
Length: 1 hour
When it comes to career guidance and counseling with our students, Christian educators often unintentionally signal that some careers are more or less “spiritual” than others. But is this how God views our work? Explore practical strategies for showing our students how to serve God passionately and effectively, whatever their unique gifts are.
Academic Integrity: Creating a Culture of Honesty in Your Students
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
From cheating to plagiarism, to “the-dog-ate-my-homework,” this seminar explores a biblical framework and very practical strategies for creating a culture of honesty and integrity in your classroom and through your school.
Measuring Spiritual Outcomes: How do you Know You’re Being Effective?
Length: 1 hour
There is no standardized test for spiritual maturity. Or is there? How do you know if your school is being effective long-term in our primary mission of spiritual transformation? Dynamic discussions and a lot of introspection as we explore God’s Word together.
Raising Christian Leaders
Length: 2-hours
God has called each of our students to impact their world for Jesus Christ. But how do you get your students to embrace their leadership? This session will explore the Biblical concept of influence and practical ways to call forth each student to the life of impact they were designed for.
Questioning Teaching
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
We want our students to ask good questions. But are we ready for ALL of their questions? Even the really difficult ones? And what if they ask something you don’t know? This seminar explores very practical strategies for creating a culture of learning and inquiry as we prepare our students to be critical thinkers and lifelong searchers for God’s Truth.
Being Effective as a New Teacher
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
The first few months (and years) of teaching can be a like a Dickens novel, the “best of times and the worst of times.” This seminar empowers brand new teachers to not just survive, but thrive in this pivotal time in their ministry.
Confessions of a Plate-Spinner: A Biblical View of Time Stewardship
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
If you’re an educator with plenty of time to do all the things you want, then this seminar is not for you. For the rest of us who battle with the stress of a “To Do” list that’s way-too-long, and a day that’s way-too-short, come join us for some laughs and biblical wisdom. No guilt-trips or quick-fixes here; just plenty of practical strategies, some helpful resources, and, most importantly, a look at some eternal truths from the Creator of time.
Counseling Students about Salvation
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
The most important message of all time is unchanging, but how we present it to young children, preteens, or teens requires great discernment. Many well-meaning adults who work with students miss the mark when sharing the Gospel. Come ready to be encouraged and challenged with practical tips on how to share God’s most wonderful message most effectively.
Spiritual Growth Events for Christian Schools
Length: 1 hour
Is a simple “Spiritual Emphasis Week” getting a bit old for your students? We know true discipleship is a life-long process, but individual events are often helpful in getting the process going. Come discover practical ideas for at least 10 events that can help energize your students to love God more deeply and engage them in impacting your school, and the world, for Christ.
Short-Term Missions for Christian Schools
Length: 1 hour
We know the amazing impact that a short-term missions trip can have on a teenager, and you’ve imagined the impact it can have on your school, but how do you actually put a trip together? Come discover just how possible it can be. Discover some practical tips for planning the trip, fundraising, and preparing your students spiritually and physically for their part in the Great Commission.
Missions Without the Trip
Length: 1 hour
We want our students to be missions-minded, but what exactly does that mean? And what if the students or the school is not ready for an international trip? Come discover at least 10 practical ways to involve your students, young and old, in global missions, all without ever leaving your “Jerusalem.”
Create a Custom Education Seminar
Work with All Things Integrated® to develop a new topic for study or to modify an existing title to meet your needs.

*Integrated Athletics: One-Day Clinic for Coaches and Athletic Directors
Length: 6 hours. CEU credit available.
Perfect for coaches, athletic directors and school administrators, the Integrated Athletics Clinic provide 6 hours of professional training in a Biblical philosophy of athletics and practical tips on how to train your athletes to be young men and women of Christ and student-athletes who make an impact on and off the field. All Things Integrated® can also provide one CEU for participants.
Athletic Leadership
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
Leaders are not born; they are developed. And leadership is not for a select few only. In this session, we will discover the key components of leadership and leader development and the best ways to use sports as a tool for both. We will also explore Biblical concepts and practical ways to prepare your coaches and players, not only to lead in the athletic arena, but for the rest of their lives.
Sports & Discipleship
Length: 2 hours
Are you reaching your athletes and community with eternal values, or are your teams just playing games? Come prepared to be challenged and encouraged as we share very practical ideas about training our athletes in the disciplines of the Christian race so that they can impact their world for Christ. We will look at the role of athletics within our culture, and within the Christian School, and discover some great ways to use athletics to disciple students toward godliness. We will also address some of the common pitfalls and issues facing Christian school athletic programs, coaches and athletes.
Meet the Ref: Lessons from the Stripes
Length: 1 hour
As a licensed, basketball official, and a former athlete and high school coach, Jonathan has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly in sports. How do we train our coaches and athletes to play with passion and to respect the game, the opponent, the fans, and authority? A biblical, practical, humorous, and engaging seminar for athletes, coaches, athletic directors, and school administrators.
Create a Custom Athletic Seminar
Work with All Things Integrated® to develop a new topic for study or to modify an existing title to meet your needs.

What is Christian Education?
Length: Available in ½ hour, 1-hour, or 2-hour sessions
Our culture is rife with misconceptions about what it means to truly educate our children. What makes an education “Christian” anyway? This practical and informative parent seminar dispels myths about Christian schools, homeschooling, and public schools and offers a biblical framework for what God expects when it comes to educating the next generation.
Raising Christian Leaders
Length: 2-hours
God has called each of us as parents to raise our children to impact their world for Jesus Christ. But how do we get our kids to embrace their leadership? And what if they are not called to be leaders? This parent seminar dispels the myths of our culture, explores the Biblical concept of influence, and offers very practical ways to call forth each child to the life of impact they were designed for.
The 3 R’s: Raising Restful Relatives
Length: 2 hours
If you’re a parent with plenty of time to do all the things you want, then this seminar is not for you. For the rest of us who battle with the stress of a “To Do” list that’s way-too-long, and a day that’s way-too-short, come join us for some laughs and biblical wisdom for the frazzled family. No guilt-trips or quick-fixes here; just plenty of practical strategies, some helpful resources, and, most importantly, a look at some eternal truths from the Creator of time.
Biblical Discipline in the Home
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
Practical, biblical help for parents and grandparents in creating a healthy culture of respect in your home and preparing your children to navigate a culture that rejects authority. A fun and engaging seminar, and a refreshing look at a challenging subject.
Questioning Kids
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
We want our children to ask good questions. But are we ready for ALL of their questions? Even the really difficult ones? And what if they ask us something we don’t know? This seminar explores very practical strategies for creating a culture of learning and inquiry in our homes as we prepare our children to be critical thinkers and lifelong searchers for God’s Truth.
Create a Custom Parent Seminar
Work with All Things Integrated® to develop a new topic for study or to modify an existing title to meet your needs.
Connecting with God and Others
Length: 2-hours
This seminar, perfect for staff and volunteer training, explores key episodes in the life of Elijah to discover effective ways to connect with God and to the students in our youth ministry.
Questioning Youth Ministry
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
We want the students in our ministry to ask good questions. But are we ready for ALL of their questions? Even the really difficult ones? And what if they ask us something we don’t know? This seminar explores very practical strategies for creating a culture of learning and inquiry in our youth ministry as we prepare our students to be critical thinkers and lifelong searchers for God’s Truth.
Confessions of a Plate-Spinner: A Biblical View of Time Stewardship
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
If you’re a youth minister or volunteer with plenty of time to do all the things you want, then this seminar is not for you. For the rest of us who battle with the stress of a “To Do” list that’s way-too-long, and a day that’s way-too-short, come join us for some laughs and biblical wisdom. No guilt-trips or quick-fixes here; just plenty of practical strategies, some helpful resources, and, most importantly, a look at some eternal truths from the Creator of time.
Counseling Students about Salvation
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
The most important message of all time is unchanging, but how we present it to young children, preteens, or teens requires great discernment. Many well-meaning adults who work with children or teens miss the mark when sharing the Gospel. Come ready to be encouraged and challenged with practical tips on how to share God’s most wonderful message most effectively.
Create a Custom Youth Ministry Seminar
Work with All Things Integrated® to develop a new topic for study or to modify an existing title to meet your needs.
Rows & Circles, Pairs & Chairs: Maximizing Discipleship at Camp
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
The beauty of camp ministry is the amount of time we get to spend with campers. This seminar explores creative, tested, and effective strategies for expanding discipleship opportunities beyond the main camp meeting. Loads of practical ideas, grounded in biblical principles. (Bring your own s’mores!)
Balancing Summer Ministry
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
Summer camp can be a crazy time. That’s what makes it fun! But that’s what can also strain relationships, burn out good people, and ultimately hinder our walk with God. This seminar, perfect for camp staff training, provides lots of laughs, biblical wisdom, and tales from a longtime, summer camp director. No guilt-trips or quick-fixes here; just plenty of practical strategies, some helpful resources, and most importantly, a look at some eternal truths from the Creator of time.
Biblical Discipline at Camp
Length: Available in 1-hour or 2-hour sessions
Practical, biblical help for counselors and camp staff in creating a healthy culture of respect at camp and preparing your campers to navigate a culture that rejects authority. A fun and engaging seminar, and a refreshing look at a challenging subject.
Create a Custom Camp Seminar
Work with All Things Integrated® to develop a new topic for study or to modify an existing title to meet your needs.
Work with All Things Integrated® to bring a special message and dynamic speaker for your event:
Adult or Youth Retreat | Graduation Ceremony | Baccalaureate Service | Fundraising Banquet
Athletic Banquet | Back-to-School Night | Grandparents Day | Teacher Appreciation Event |
Gospel Outreach Event | Missions Event | Career Day | Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
Full list coming soon. . .
Recent message include . . .
God’s Sovereignty: Now…More than Ever! (from Psalm 115:3, Daniel 4:34-35, Isaiah 45:5-6, Psalm 135:6-10)
The Sovereignty of God is not a cold, boring doctrine. It is an amazingly alive and reassuring attribute of our God. Especially during a time of pandemic, protests, elections, and fear, when it is so easy to get scared, despondent, and distracted, God remains fully and completely in control.
Lead or Be Led: A Study in Deception (from Colossians 2)
We live in a world of truth and lies, facts and conspiracies. Some will deceive you, and they know exactly what they are doing. Others will lead you astray without even realizing they are doing so. In Colossians, Paul warns against being deceived and gives us practical ways to discern the truth and live the way God designed us to live.
The Myth of Ministry: A Biblical View of Work (from Genesis 1-2 and Colossians 3)
When it comes to career choices, many students unintentionally get the signal that some careers are more (or less) “spiritual” than others. But is this how God views our work? In this message, we discover a Biblical understanding of work and calling and explore practical strategies for serving God passionately and effectively, whatever one’s unique gifts are.
Aliens & Stars (from 1 Peter 2 and Philippians 2)
Aliens? Not little green men from outer space, but you and me! We are called to be distinct and to live so differently from our culture that we stand out like stars. In these passages, Peter and Paul give us some very practical ways to live for Christ and stand apart in this generation.
I Believe: Help My Unbelief (from Mark 9:14-29)
We all struggle with unbelief daily. Maybe not in an “Is God real?” sense, or an “Is Scripture reliable?” sense, but in a “Wait, what, God? You were serious about that?” sense. This challenge from Mark 9 discusses some practical strategies for obeying God in common areas of life where we are tempted to go our own way.
The Final Gospel Story (from John 21)
The final chapter of the last Gospel written has so many neat applications for us today. From the personal nature of our relationship with Christ to the power of forgiveness; from our constant struggles comparing ourselves with others to God’s plan for our future.
Create a Custom Message
Work with All Things Integrated® to develop a new topic for study or to modify an existing title to meet your needs.
Full list coming soon. . .
Full list coming soon. . .